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This section of the User Manual talks about common benchmarking problems and their solutions.

Table of Contents

1. Error: Address already in use
    1.1 Server Side
    1.2 Client side

1. Error: Address already in use

Both polyclt and polysrv can report "address already in use" errors. The exact error message text is OS-dependent, but the causes of the error are similar for all OSes.

1.1 Server Side

The "address already in use" error usually occurs shortly after polysrv is launched as the polysrv process configures and starts individual server agents. Each server agent tries to bind to its address and port number. If that address and port number pair is already in use by some other application, the error occurs and polysrv quits.

The most common reason for the address conflict is that another application (e.g. a real Web server or another polysrv process) is listening on the address that your server agent is trying to bind to. You need to find out what that application is and kill it. Alternatively, you can change the server agent address or port number to avoid the conflict.

Netstat tool can be used on most operating systems to check that a given address:port pair is indeed in use. Make sure you are using the right netstat command line options to display all allocated addresses and to disable address interpretation. For example, on FreeBSD, you might run netstat -na.

Tools to find out which process is listening on a given address are also available. Lsof is one of them. These tools are handy if you cannot figure out what is listening on the address that you want to use for Polygraph servers.

1.2 Client side

The "address already in use" error may occur on the client side of the test. When opening a new connection, a robot agent tries to bind the client side of the connection to the configured robot address. The port number for the bind system call is set to zero by default. Zero port number tells TCP stack to find any suitable "ephemeral" port for the given address. If --ports command line option is used, Polygraph will decide which port to use and pass that port number to the OS.

The most common reason for the address conflict are race conditions inside busy OS kernel: TCP stack thinks that the port is available, assigns it to a connection, but does not actually reserves that port until the connect system call. If another bind/connect sequence happens before our connection is opened, and if that sequence uses the same address:port, an error occurs.

It is also possible that the error is returned when the TCP stack has ran out of free port numbers for a given address. The number of available ephemeral port numbers (i.e., those assigned by OS, see above) is usually quite small (a few thousands) by default, but can be increased using sysctl or other OS-specific methods.

The error is more likely to occur on untuned kernels with default MSL (TIME_WAIT) values because connections in TIME_WAIT state do consume port numbers, increasing the chances for a conflict or lack of addresses.

To reduce the number of address conflicts, use the --ports command line option. We usually use --ports 3000:30000 range. You can also tune your OS to have more ephemeral ports and/or shorter MSL timeouts.

Netstat tool can be used on most operating systems to check how many connections are on a TIME_WAIT state.

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